Kamis, 10 September 2015

Angka BoneWeight Pencatat nasib yang membawa ke kehidupan kalangan atas

Anda sangat beruntung, bila Anda memiliki angka BW di atas 5.1

5.1 Enjoy
Once you determine your lifestyle;
Fortune greets you with a smile.

5.2 Contentment
You are one that luck is pleased to meet;
So pick a spot on Easy Street.

5.3 Join the Millionaire's Club
You have pockets lined with gold;
Money seeks you, young or old.

5.4 Wealthy and Wise
Fine home, fine food, fine clothes - the right;
Of one who's steady, honest, bright.

5.5 High Honours
You may start slow, with little money;
Then Fortune strikes - and all is sunny.

5.6 Wisdom
You taste experiences of every kind;
To stretch the range of your amazing mind.

5.7 Forever Spring
All is abundance - like the earth in bloom;
Take what life brings- and give good fortune room.

5.8 Born to Fame
Long life, good fortune and your name in lights-
These come to you as natural rights.

5.9 A Charmed Life
You arise from the sea on the cockle shell;
Greatly achieve, go far and, yes, do well.

6.0 Wealth and Honour
Good fortune follows learning. The Fates
Promise wealth, honours, holdings of vast estates.

6.1 High Repute
You are destined to achieve an honoured place;
Wealth, fame are yours. All people know your face.

6.2 Acclaim
Your academic feats will help you rise;
To high position - wonderful and wise!

6.3 Make History
Some rare achievement gives such fame;
That future generations speak your name.

6.4 Authority
With such a commanding role, one can assume;
There're jade and gold in the storage room.

6.5 Warrior and Poet
True greatness comes to one whose destiny;
Is winning wars and writing poetry.

6.6 Gold Mountain and Jade Garden
A life shaped by Fortune - beauty and wealth surround;
One in whom heavenly virtues so abound.

6.7 Peace and Prosperity
Superior fortune - good family, wealth and peace;
Prosperity can only show increase.

6.8 Bamboo Fortune
Here Fate drifts like a little boat-
Ten years in backwater, ten years afloat.

6.9 Fortune's Star
Blessed by Heaven, Good fortune, pleasures fall
About you - famous, rich, honoured by one and all.

7.0 The Palace
Velvet hangings, golden halls - what odds
Make one the darling of the gods?

7.1 Emperor
Wealth, power, honours - I AM THE KING!
All I possess is EVERYTHING?

demikianlah nasib yang paling TOP di Angka 7.1 = nasib Emperor.
untuk mengetahui Angka BW Anda segera kirimi saya data Anda ke email : calvin_genna@yahoo.com

Saya adalah ahli FengShui yang menghitung berapa angka angka dalam kehidupan Anda .

Silakan hubungi saya untuk konsultasi FengShui lengkap dengan analysis nama dan tanggal lahir. termasuk jodoh yang cocok dan jenis usaha yang cocok. 


saya juga menghitungkan nama produk, nama usaha, nama toko yang HOKI.

kunjungilah http://namahokibagus.blogspot.com/2015/09/kekuatan-besar-keberuntungan-yang.html

Salam Sejahtera Selalu.
Calvin Genna

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