Selasa, 22 Desember 2015

Penderitaan dan kesialan pemilik angka negatif (7)

Apa yang dapat terjadi bila seseorang memiliki angka ending code negatif (bagian 7 )

Kasus  yg menimpa para pemilik angka negatif pada namanya dan di compare tgl lahirnya : baca juga beritanya di sumber berita (link ada di baris baris bawah). mengapa diberi link untuk membaca dari sumber asli? karena dengan itu Anda dapat mengecek keasliannya.

WARTA KOTA, DEPOK-Warga Kampung Lio, Pancoran Mas,Depok yang tewas akibat minuman keras (miras) yang dioplos sendiri oleh mereka, Sampai Senin (21/12/2015) bertambah satu orang.
Jumlah korban tewas seluruhnya menjadi enam orang. Sebelumnya 5 warga lainnya sudah lebih dulu tewas akibat pesta miras yang mereka gelar, Rabu (16/12/2015) malam lalu.
Korban terakhir adalah Ahmad Miat (55), yang sebelumnya dikabarkan kritis dan dirawat intensif di RS Bhakti Yuda, Sawangan, Depok. Ahmad menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya, Senin (21/12/2015) sore sekira pukul 16.30.
"Korban sekarang jadi 6 orang. Ahmad yang tadinya kritis, akhirnya meninggal dunia," kata Samsuri, Ketua RT 3/15, Kampung Lio, Kelurahan Depok, Pancoran Mas, Depok, Senin (21/12/2015)
Sebelumnya lima warga yang tewas akibat mengonsumsi miras adalah Boy (45), Enday, Syarifudin (45), Saimin (55) alias Katel, dan Maulana. Satu persatu mereka tewas setelah dirawat di RS Bhakti Yudha sejak Kamis (17/12/2015).
Menurut Samsuri, semua warga yang tewas dan kritis itu membeli miras di toko kelontong di dekat Agung Shop di persimpangan antara Jalan Arif Rahman Hakim dan Jalan Ridwan Rais, Depok.
"Mereka minum miras sama-sama tak jauh dari toko yang jual miras itu," kata dia.
ini link beritanya:


Sangat prihatin! Sungguh miris membaca berita berita tsb dari link yg sertakan tsb, bagi Anda yg juga memiliki Angka negatif, ada jalan keluarnya Anda masih memiliki waktu dan kesempatan untuk memperbaiki angka negatif Anda . Segera hubungi saya untuk melakukan langkah langkah jitu menghindari efek buruk angka negatif tsb !!! email ke   follow twitter @Calvin_Genna


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Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

Steve Jobs pemilik angka HOKI 1.0

Steve Jobs
Sosok di balik semua gadgets kesayangan Anda sekarang, kesuksesan Steve tidak datang dalam semalam. Bahkan masa lalunya cukup menyedihkan. Steve lahir tanpa orang tua, lalu dia diadopsi oleh sebuah keluarga yang kurang mampu. Steve tidak pernah menamatkan kuliahnya, namun sebisa mungkin Ia meraih pengetahuan sebanyak-banyaknya dari kelas yang Ia ikuti. Steve juga sering tidur di lantai kamar temannya, mengumpulkan botol Coca-Cola untuk ditukar dengan uang, dan makan gratis seminggu sekali di kuil lokal. Tapi hasil perhitungan saya, nama dan tanggal lahirnya memberikan angka Synchronicity 1.0 !!! Sangat beruntung. Dan lihat apa yang diberikan oleh angka Synchronicity 1.0 !
Pada tahun 1976, Steve memulai awal perusahaan Apple Computers dengan Steve Wozniak di garasi orang tuanya. Meski tidak mempunyai uang, Steve punya visi dan ide inovatif untuk mengubah dunia. Steve adalah alasan utama perusahaan Apple begitu sukses saat ini.

Steve Jobs

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Steve Jobs (disambiguation).
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs with red shawl edit2.jpg
Jobs in 2007
BornSteven Paul Jobs
February 24, 1955
San FranciscoCalifornia
DiedOctober 5, 2011 (aged 56)
Palo Alto, California
Cause of deathPancreatic cancer
EthnicityGerman and Syrian
  • Co-founder, Chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc.
  • Primary investor and CEO ofPixar
  • Founder and CEO of NeXT
Known forPioneer of the personal computer revolution with Steve Wozniak
Board member of
ReligionZen Buddhism (previouslyLutheran)[2]
Spouse(s)Laurene Powell (m. 1991; his death 2011)
Partner(s)Chrisann Brennan
  • Lisa Brennan-Jobs (with Chrisann, b. 1978)
  • Reed (with Laurene, b. 1991)
  • Erin (with Laurene, b. 1995)
  • Eve (with Laurene, b. 1998)
  • Paul and Clara Jobs (adoptive parents)
  • Joanne Schieble Simpson and Abdulfattah Jandali (biological parents)
  • Mona Simpson (biological sister)
  • Patricia "Patty" Jobs (adopted sister)
Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (/ˈɒbz/; February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was an American technology entrepreneur, visionary and inventor. He was the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple Inc.; CEO and largest shareholder ofPixar Animation Studios;[3] a member of The Walt Disney Company's board of directors following its acquisition of Pixar; and founder, chairman, and CEO of NeXT Inc. Jobs is widely recognized as a pioneer of the microcomputer revolution of the 1970s, along with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. Shortly after his death, Jobs's official biographer, Walter Isaacson, described him as the "creative entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing."[2]
Adopted at birth in San Francisco, and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area during the 1960s, Jobs's countercultural lifestyle was a product of his time. As a senior at Homestead High School, in Cupertino, California, his two closest friends were the older engineering student (and Homestead High alumnus) Wozniak and his countercultural girlfriend, the artistically inclined Homestead High junior Chrisann Brennan. Jobs briefly attended Reed College in 1972 before dropping out, deciding to travel through India in 1974 and study Buddhism.
Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976 to sell Wozniak's Apple I personal computer. The duo gained fame and wealth a year later for theApple II, one of the first highly successful mass-produced personal computers. In 1979, after a tour of Xerox PARC, Jobs saw the commercial potential of the Xerox Alto, which was mouse-driven and had a graphical user interface (GUI). This led to development of the failed Apple Lisa in 1983, followed by the successful Macintosh in 1984. In addition to being the first mass-produced computer with a GUI, the Macintosh instigated the sudden rise of the desktop publishing industry in 1985 with the addition of the Apple LaserWriter, the first laser printer to feature vector graphics. Following a long power struggle, Jobs was forced out of Apple in 1985.[4]
After leaving Apple, Jobs took a few of its members with him to found NeXT, a computer platform development company specializing in state-of-the-art computers for higher-education and business markets. In addition, Jobs helped to initiate the development of the visual effects industry when he funded the spinout of the computer graphics division of George Lucas's company Lucasfilm in 1986.[5] The new company, Pixar, would eventually produce the first fully computer-animated film, Toy Story—an event made possible in part because of Jobs's financial support.
In 1997, Apple purchased NeXT, allowing Jobs to become the former's CEO once again. He would return the company, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, back to profitability. Beginning in 1997 with the "Think different" advertising campaign, Jobs worked closely with designer Jonathan Ive to develop a line of products that would have larger cultural ramifications: the iMaciTunes,Apple Stores, the iPod, the iTunes Store, the iPhone, the App Store, and the iPadMac OS was also revamped into Mac OS X, based on NeXT's NeXTSTEP platform.
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Yan Kum (Ukrainian: Ян Кум ) anak miskin yang jadi milyarder USD

Jan Koum (nama asli Ян Кум (baca: Yan Kum) datang ke Amerika dari Ukraine saat dia baru berusia 16 tahun. Keluarganya kesulitan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehingga mereka terpaksa hidup dari food stamps atau kupon makanan (program pemerintah) yang mereka kumpulkan dari jalanan. Saat itu Jan bekerja sebagai tukang bersih-bersih di toko swalayan.
Setelah saya hitung, nama Yan Kum dengan tanggal lahirnya memberi angka Synchronicity 1.0 !!! Luar biasa beruntung.    Umur 18 tahun, Jan mulai tertarik dengan bahasa pemrograman dan berhasil diterima bekerja di Ernst & Young sebagai penguji keamanan. Setelah itu dia dipekerjakan oleh Yahoo selama sembilan tahun. Di tahun 2009, Jan membeli sebuah iPhone dan menyadari bahwa aplikasi smartphone akan booming dan jadi hal besar di kemudian hari. Maka dia dan temannya mulai membuat aplikasi WhatsApp yang akhirnya dibeli Facebook seharga Rp.252 triliun.

Jan Koum

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jan Koum
Native nameЯн Кум
BornFebruary 24, 1976 (age 39)
Kyiv, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union
CitizenshipUnited States
Alma materSan Jose State University(dropped out)
OccupationCEO of WhatsApp & Managing Director in Facebook, Inc.
Years active2009–present
OrganizationWhatsApp Inc.
Known forCo-founded WhatsApp
Home townFastivUkraine
Net worthIncreaseUS$8.8 billion (September 2015)[1]
Jan Koum (UkrainianЯн Кум; born February 24, 1976) is an American internet entrepreneur and computer engineer. He is theCEO and co-founder with Brian Acton of WhatsApp, a mobile messaging application which was acquired by Facebook Inc. in February 2014 for US$19 Billion.[2][3][4]
In 2014, he entered the Forbes list of the 400 richest Americans at position 62, with an estimated worth of more than seven and half billion dollars. He was the highest-ranked newcomer to the list that year.[5]

Life and career[edit]

Koum was born in KyivUkraine. He is Jewish.[6] He grew up in Fastiv, outside Kyiv, and moved with his mother and grandmother toMountain View, California in 1992,[7] where a social support program helped the family to get a small two-bedroom apartment,[8] at the age of 16. His father had intended to join the family later, but finally remained in Ukraine.[9] At first Koum's mother worked as a babysitter, while he himself worked as a cleaner at a grocery. By the age of 18 he became interested in programming. He enrolled at San Jose State University and simultaneously worked at Ernst & Young as a security tester.[8]
In February 1996, a restraining order was granted against Koum in state court in San Jose, California. An ex-girlfriend detailed incidents in which she said Koum verbally and physically threatened her. In October 2014, Koum said about the restraining order, "I am ashamed of the way I acted, and ashamed that my behavior forced her to take legal action."[10]
In 1997, Jan Koum was hired by Yahoo as an infrastructure engineer, shortly after he met Brian Acton while working at Ernst & Young as a security tester.[8] Over the next nine years, they worked at Yahoo. In September 2007 Koum and Acton left Yahoo and took a year off, traveling around South America and playing ultimate frisbee. Both applied, and failed, to work at Facebook. In January 2009, he bought an iPhone and realized that the then-seven-month-old App Store was about to spawn a whole new industry of apps. He visited his friend Alex Fishman and the two talked for hours about Koum’s idea for an app over tea at Fishman’s kitchen counter.[8] Koum almost immediately chose the name WhatsApp because it sounded like “what’s up,” and a week later on his birthday, Feb. 24, 2009, he incorporated WhatsApp Inc. in California.[8]
WhatsApp became popular in just a small amount of time, and this caught Facebook's attention. Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg first contacted Koum in the spring 2012. The two began meeting at a coffee shop in Los Altos, California, then began a series of dinners and walks in the hills above Silicon Valley.[11]
On February 9, Zuckerberg asked Koum to have dinner at his home, and formally proposed Koum a deal to join the Facebook board.
His mother died in 2000 of cancer in the United States, while his father died in Ukraine in 1997.


Jan Koum was part of a group of hackers called w00w00, where he met[8][12] the future founders of NapsterShawn Fanning and Jordan Ritter.
In November 2014, Koum donated $1,000,000 to The FreeBSD Foundation, and close to $556 million to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF) the same year
nama Yan Kum dengan tanggal lahirnya memberi angka Synchronicity 1.0 !!! Luar biasa beruntung. Anda ingin mendapatkan angka Synchronicity 1.0 dari nama Anda, silakan kontak saya melalui email , hasilnya luar biasa.

Kevin A Plank, dari bokek dan dibully jadi milyarder USD

Kevin Plank adalah mantan pria bangkrut yang sering menumpang di rumah ibunya untuk makan. Kevin juga adalah objek lelucon teman-teman footballnya karena keringatnya selalu mengucur deras. Tak tahan dengan ejekan temannya, Kevin memutuskan untuk membuat baju olahraga yang dapat menyerap keringat. Dia meminjam modal dari bank untuk memulai usahanya.
Dengan kerja keras dan tekadnya, Ia berhasil mempopulerkan pakaian olahraganya yang bernama Under Armor. Kevin Plank sekarang memiliki kekayaan bersih mendekati $1 miliar dolar. Setelah saya hitung nama dan tanggal lahirnya, Kevin A Plank memiliki keselarasan nama terhadap tanggal lahir, Synchronicity 1.0   !!!  Sungguh beruntung. Untuk berkonsultasi bagaimana caranya memiliki angka Synchronicity 1.0 silakan hubungi saya melalui surat elektronik
setelah sukses, Kevin A Plank bederma lebih banyak

Kevin Plank

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Plank.
Kevin Plank
BornAugust 13, 1972 (age 43)
Kensington, Maryland, U.S.
ResidenceLutherville, Maryland, U.S.
NationalityUnited States American
Alma materUniversity of Maryland, College Park
Known forCEO, Founder and Chairman of the Board at Under Armour
Salary$1.53 million (2012)[1]
Net worthIncrease US $3.9 billion (september 2015)[2]
ReligionRoman Catholic
Spouse(s)Desiree Jacqueline "D.J." Guerzon
ChildrenKevin James Plank
Kevin A. Plank (born August 13, 1972) is an American businessman, CEO and founder of Under Armour, a manufacturer of sports performance apparel, footwear and accessories, based in Baltimore.

Early life[edit]

Kevin Plank grew up in Kensington, Maryland, one of five brothers. His father William was a prominent Maryland land developer. His mother, Jayne (née Harper), is a former mayor of Kensington, who went on to direct the Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs at the United States Department of State under President Ronald Reagan.[3]
Plank grew up playing football for the Maplewood Maple Leafs, which have appeared in a few Under Armour commercials. He leftGeorgetown Preparatory School because of poor academic performance and behavioral issues, but went on to play football at Fork Union Military Academy. He graduated from St. John's College High School.[4] He later attended the University of Maryland.[5]
Plank married Desiree Guerzon in 2003.[6] Plank has made donations to numerous Republican candidates, including $2,000 to Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign in 2008.[7][8]
In 2013, Plank purchased a mansion in the Georgetown section of Washington D.C. for $7.85 million.[9]


At the University of Maryland, he launched various businesses of his own. Plank developed Cupid's Valentine, an annual business that sold roses for Valentine’s Day. He put away $17,000 from the rose business, which eventually became seed money for Under Armour.[10] The original concept for Under Armour was born out of necessity, as Plank was the self-proclaimed “sweatiest guy on the football field”. Frustrated by his sweat-soaked cotton T-shirts' inability to keep him dry and comfortable, he started the hunt for a material that would wick the sweat from his body to make him lighter and faster.[11]
From local tailor shops in College Park, Maryland to the garment district of New York City, Plank, upon graduating from Maryland in 1996 with a bachelor's degree in business administration, searched for synthetic materials to test his hypothesis. Plank ran through seven prototypes before deciding on the one he wanted to use.[12] He then asked his former teammates to try on the shirts, explaining that his alternative to a basic cotton T-shirt would enhance their performance on the field. As Plank's friends moved on to play professionally, he would send them T-shirts, requesting that they pass them out to other players in their locker rooms. A turning point for Plank and his start-up, Under Armour, which was now based out of a Georgetown rowhouse owned by his grandmother, came late in 1999. A $25,000 advertisement in ESPN The Magazine spurred $1 million in direct sales for the following year and athletes and teams began buying the product.[11]
In 2003, Under Armour's first television advertisement featured a football squad huddled around Plank's former University of Maryland teammate Eric Ogbogu, shouting “we must protect this house”. The phrase became shorthand for the Under Armour brand and can be seen and heard throughout college football stadiums across the country.
In 2012, Plank was recognized by Forbes for changing the athlete's experience on the playing field and was named #3 on Forbes' and #3 on Forbes' list of  The company's revenues passed the $1 billion mark for 2010. Plank is the company's biggest shareholder and has majority voting control, owning all 12.5 million of Under Armour's Class B shares, worth $720 million in August 2011. In December 2011, Plank's net worth was estimated byForbes Magazine at $1.05 billion.[13] In April 2015, Plank's net worth was estimated at $3.5 billion.


Plank has been a long-time supporter of the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business and Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship. In addition to sitting on the University’s Board of Trustees, Plank played an integral role in the development of an endowment fund that the Dingman Center uses to invest in viable startup businesses. Plank is also responsible for the development of the annual business competition. The competition got its name from Plank’s “Cupid's Valentine” rose business he began while attending the University.
Plank is also active within the Baltimore and Washington D.C. communities sitting on the Board of Directors for the Baltimore City Fire Foundation, the Greater Baltimore Committee and Greater Washington Sports Alliance. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees for , a Baltimore-Washington based non-profit organization dedicated to the hands-on education of young people using urban, natural and maritime environments as “living classrooms".[citation needed]
Plank is a member the Board of Trustees for the National Football Foundation and the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association. His involvement in philanthropy has also translated to his business. Under Armour supports the V Foundation for cancer research and has its own Power in Pink campaign, raising funds for breast cancer research and education. In addition, Under Armour supports the Boomer Esiason Foundation, the Rock Foundation, Ronald McDonald House and Conservation Fund. The Company also has a “Give Back” program, encouraging employees to become involved with local charities.[14]
In November 2014, Plank made a pledge of $25 million to the University of Maryland to be used for the proposed athletics and academic complex