Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

how to become a professional stalker

Stalking is okay – in the name of making a sale.
When you do whatever it takes to get a client to give you a meeting, I call that “sales stalking”.
Most salespeople rest their laurels in one of 3 types of prospecting methods:
- In-person cold calls
- Phone call
- Email

As a salesperson, have you ever had any prospects ignore your requests made via email or phone call?
You bet your bottom dollar you have.

Surprisingly, when 100 women professionals were surveyed, here are the top 3 methods they wanted to be communicated by:
1. Email
2. Facebook
3. Text

When was the last time you tried some “sales stalking” through Facebook or Text?

Here are a few other ideas on how to break down the door and get the meeting:
1.  Show up randomly at their business.  Do it especially after you’ve called them, left messages, and/or they’ve no-showed you for a meeting.  They are always happy and apologetic.  Typically you’ll get an instant meeting.
2. Facebook them – Most small business owners are on Facebook to do BUSINESS as well as personal socializing.  The expect to be contacted about establishing relationships that can help them accomplish their goals.
3. Tweet them – See number 2, and insert the word Twitter.
4. Find someone they know (using LinkedIn or Facebook), and get an introduction
5. Get that same person they know to show up at their business with you to make an introduction
6. Show up at an association meeting or non-profit event you know they are going to be at, and introduce yourself
7. Text them

What other tactics have you used to “sales stalk” your clients?

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